Governor Bong Lacson administered the oaths of office of the new officers of United Negros Alliance (UNegA) with Sagay City Mayor Alfredo Marañon III as chairman.

The oath taking ceremony was held at Nature’s Village Resort in Talisay City yesterday (Dec. 18), and was only limited to UNEGA-member LGU executive officers, due to observance of health protocols.

Gov. Lacson said that the Love Negros-UNegA coalition on the provincial level is strong, as evidenced by his presence in the activity.

Among the UNegA officers are Vice Governor Jeffrey Ferrer, president; Mayor Salvador Escalante Jr. of Cadiz City, secretary-general; and Rep. Juliet Marie Ferrer (4th District), treasurer.Also present is Rep. Leo Rafael Cueva of the Second District, among others.

Photos by Eric Loretizo