To all our beloved Employees of the Province of Negros Occidental:

It is now safe for our employees to return to work tomorrow August 17, 2020. During our lockdown, we accomplished identifying 7 more of our co-workers who are Covid-19 positive and arrested the spread of the virus in our workplace. This makes a total of 22 confirmed cases among Provincial Govt Employees. We also succeeded in isolating them and giving them the proper care and treatment in our health facilities. 8 of our 22 confirmed cases have fully recovered and returned home after complying 14-day quarantine and testing Negative on their 2nd swab.

The initial close contacts of about 142 employees have tested negative for the virus and are also feeling well.

Offices that were compromised by visits of Confirmed Cases have been decontaminated while our employees stayed at home and monitored their own and their co-employee’s’ health conditions. The Provincial Capitol and its employees are safe.

Let us then resume full operations observing the health protocols such as the wearing of face masks and face shields. The people of Negros need us to assume our posts and deliver much needed basic services once again. Let us take heart and take the lead.

Thank you.

Gov. Bong Lacson